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Choose Your Own Adventure: Kanto Edition

Do you love the Pokemon Kanto Region?

Do you love “Choose Your Own Adventure” games or Roleplaying Games? Well so do we! We’ve been dying to create something interactive so that all Pokemon fans can run through the Kanto region for the millionth time, but with a twist.

This is why we are creating the Choose Your Own Adventure: Kanto Edition

How to Play Choose Your Own Adventure: Kanto Edition

If you have ever read through a Choose Your Own Adventure book or if you have ever played Dungeons and Dragons, then you will have an idea of how we’ll operate this game.

We’ll have a separate blog post to get into the nitty gritty of how this interactive system will work, but here’s the basic rundown for those of you who would rather get to the good stuff.

  • You will start your journey similar to the traditional Red, Blue, and Yellow games

  • You will read the page full of dialogue, action, and information.

  • At the end of the page, you’ll be faced with a few choices of actions you can take. Each choice will take you to a new page.

  • You will rinse and repeat this process until you have reached the end of your adventure.

If you would like to make your journey more adventurous, then here are a few optional actions you will need to take:

  • Download our character sheet. There you can keep track of your inventory, the Pokemon on your team, and more. This will help you make more informed choices throughout your journey and keep it ‘realistic’.

  • Purchase a single six-sided dice. Otherwise use an online die rolling generator or ask Google to roll a six-sided dice for you

Want to play “Choose Your Own Adventure: Kanto Edition?”

We are working diligently to get this started. In the meantime, put in the comments below what kinds of activities you would like to do in the Kanto region. Or let us know what you would like to see. Since we are early in development, we’d like to know what you would all love to see and experience so we can incorporate it into our game.

In the meantime, join our Mailing List so you can keep up to date as to our progress to this adventure.

See this form in the original post

Sick of the Kanto Region?

We get it, the Kanto region gets all the love. It gets all their pokemon inserted into the latest games, it gets all the Mega Evolutions, and all the Gigantamax forms. However we want to make sure this game is playable, so the Kanto region will be our first test dummy.

We are honestly wayyyy more excited about the Johto region, but we imagine that by doing the Kanto region first, we’ll learn a lot from our experience and be able to make all the other regions a lot better!

If you’d like to take on the other regions, feel free to contact us and we’ll see if we have have you collaborate with us to get the other regions on the map faster!