PKMN Dailies

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PKMN Dailies on Instagram

Do you like Instagram?

Don’t worry, we at PKMN Dailies do too! We love sharing our love of Pokemon through our Instagram account!

While we populate and make this website the best it can be, stop by our Instagram account (@PKMNDailies) and say hello!

See this Instagram gallery in the original post

What should you expect from PKMN Dailies on Instagram?

While our Twitter account is our main line of communication with all of our fans and Pokemon fans in general. We’ll post on Instagram every once in a while to visibly show our love for Pokemon. When you follow our Instagram account, you should expect the following:

  • Pictures starring Vulpix: Vulpix is PKMN Dailies’ mascot. When you follow us you’ll find plenty of pictures of her posing alone or surrounded by other Pokemon merchandise.

  • Pictures featuring other Pokemon: Other guest appearances that show up on PKMN Dailies is Violet the Shiny Ninetales, Tidak the Ditto, a pair of Vulpix sisters, and any other plushes or figurines that belong to other Pokemon fanatics we run into.

  • Pokemon cards: Whenever we participate in Pokemon pre-releases or find some interesting Pokemon cards in various hobby shops or flea markets, expect to see some Pokemon trading cards. We might also showcase some cards that are in our collection just for fun too.

  • Pokemon art: The founder of PKMN Dailies loves drawing Pokemon, this is why you’ll find some of her artwork on the PKMN Dailies Instagram account. If you’d like to see her other artwork she had a different Instagram account for all things art related.

  • Pokemon figurines: The founder of PKMN Dailies has a massive Pokemon figurine collection. She believes in the motto, “Gotta Catch ‘em All” and has been growing her collection for two decades. She has a little over 250 figures and counting.

  • Pokemon merchandise: Other kinds of Pokemon-related merchandise will be showcased in our Instagram. This merchandise will either belong to our founder, be found in a store, or belong to another fellow Pokemon fan who gave explicit permission to showcase their stuff.

  • Screenshots of the Pokemon games: We have dabbled in trying to do Let’s Plays on Instagram, so we may occasionally post some screenshots or photos of events happening in the game or interesting/snarky comments.

  • Quizzes: We want to get more interactive with you lovely people, so expect to see some more engaging content such as ‘What type are you’ or ‘What Pokemon would you be’ in our feed.

Eager to have PKMN Dailies follow you?

We are all about community! This is the reason why we exist.

With that being said, if you want us to follow you, do us a favor and follow us first. Keep in mind that we strictly follow Pokemon-based only accounts so if we find you are posting a bit too much content about Yu-Gi-Oh, My Hero Academia, or whatever is ‘hip’ these days, we may unfollow you.

If you aren’t a hardcore Pokemon Instagram user, but you do know of one, feel free to comment below and let us know what their account is. We want to be in the know for all things Pokemon, so if you know people we can follow, then we’ll be more than happy to do so on Instagram!